On Saturday Cory was working for the "Onion" newspaper. They are making videos for the internet site. The "Onion" for those of you who do not know, is a weekly newspaper
made in Manhattan. All of the news articles are made up and really funny. We also love the Onion because it keeps us up-to-date with all of the activities (actual) of the week. I spent the whole day exploring Manhattan. I started of at Ground Zero then I went to Battery Park. The first picture you see is of New Jersey. Then I went and watched all of the crazy tourists standing in a mile long line to go see the Statue of Liberty. I think I had a pretty good view. Don't you. I love the addition of the sunglasses to the Statue. I ran into the Hoop it Up, 3 on 3 games going on. I took the picture for Ross because he would have loved it. Then I made my way up Manhattan stopping at a million places until I go home! It is Sunday afternoon and all morning I was at the hair studio. I will probably post the "Annie's new hair" blog tonight after Cory has seen me.
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