Am I Crazy?
Yesterday (Monday, July 24th) I decided to run up to Fairway Market (a grocery store that is supposed to be unlike anyother) on 74th and Broadway. When I got there I looked
around and while it was different, it wasn't so different I was amazed. I decided to buy a watermelon. What you should know is that I have been craving watermelon ever since we arrived in the city. I bought a cup of cut up watermelon for $2 on the street, and I have bought 1/4 of a melon for $.69/lb at the store a few blocks away. But at Fairway market they had it for $.45 and seedless for $.49/lb. I couldn't resist this deal so I picked out a whole watermelon to buy. I thought that it would be a good workout for me to carry home. It ended up being 24.7 pounds which cost me $11.12. An eleven dollar watermelon. Am I crazy? How much do they cost in Hanford? Lemoore? Well, the walk home wasn't fun. Then it took me a long time to cut it up and pick out all of the seeds. The good things is now we have a refrigerator full of juicy watermelon. Was it worth it? Yes! Will I do it again...No. Next time I will not buy so much.
That was an expensive watermelon!
expensive, yes, but was it delicious?
"PROPS 101"
When purchasing large pieces of fruit weighing 10 pds or more there is "city" protocol. 1. The said fruit must have a face drawn on it. 2. Diaper that puppy. 3. Wrap it in a receiving blanket, (Or a Baby Gap outfit.) 4. Get on the subway. 5. Breast feed the seeded wonder for at least 3 stops. 6. Take pictures of peoples reaction. 7. Post pictures on this site.
You must really love watermelon! Last week, the seedless were up to 25 cents per pound and I would not buy the 12 pounder because it was too expensive....we ended up going back for it because everywhere else was 29 cents a pound.
Loved Shelly's comment!
Demasiado caro!! aqui en Chile , cuando es época de Sandias (watermelon) una d eese tamaño cuesta $1000, alrededor de US 2,00 dollars....
cuando quieras ven acomer acá!!
Coté desde Chile
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