Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for God's many blessings in our life.
Cory pushing Bee in the stroller in Prospect Park.

This post is dedicated to our family in Philadephia. Sorry it took me 42 Thousand weeks to get it posted.
We took the China Town Bus ($20 roundtrip tickets) to Philadelphia to visit baby Max, Hallie, Jon and Aunt Deb! Aunt Deb and my mom are cousins and they were great friends! It was so wonderful to hang out with them. Deb was visiting her grandson Max. Hallie and Jon have done an amazing job fixing up a row house. It was beatiful. We got to be the first ones to stay in the newly finished 3rd story guest room! I have a lot in common with Hallie. Including our favorite flower (dalhias). Hallie's front yard is full of them!
They took us on a walk along the river. It was beautiful!

Cory with baby Max. Max had just turned 1 month old! He is so cute!

A wonderful meal!

Will Max grow up rower? Hallie and Jon are competitive rowers! I made Max a bib.

They took us on a tour of Philadelphia. It was really cool!
We are in front of the art musuem. We ran up the steps (just as Rocky did in the movie).


The Rocky Statue!


We went to the 30th Street Station to have lunch with Jon. He works for Amtrak and this is where he works!

We had to go see the Liberty Bell. It was my favorite! I sure wish my mom could have been with us. She would have loved it!

This is where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

The grave of Benjamin Franklin.

Deb, Hallie, 2 sleeping babies and my sad face.

They took us to a really cool indoor market. There were so many things to look at!

Grandma Deb and baby Max!

Bee loves baby Max! Bee is signing her version of "baby."

She was very gentle with Max.

Mmmmm! Hallie made these amazing cookies!

Thanks again Hallie, Jon, Deb and Max for letting us visit you!
Bee's playful face!

My fresh flowers for my birthday that I am still enjoying! Thank you Dad, Jill, Mel and Jason.

Love to all! We wish we could be with all of our family on this Thanksgiving Day. Feel free to call us so we can video chat!