Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Belated Labor Day! I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I can't help but think of childbirth labor when I hear "Labor Day." But pretty much any kind of labor is not easy!
We went to a Labor Day BBQ at Amy's mom's house.

What are these babies thinking?
Amy's mom, Suzie is in the background! Thank you Suzie for the great BBQ!!!
Olgiered, Suzie, Amy (Gaia was sleeping), Margaret (friend who owns flower shop near the health food store), Gregor (he words at the store), Bayard (Amy's Aunt), Micky (Amy's Uncle), Joe, Bryna, Bee, Felix, Cory and the photographer Annie!

I like the looks Gaia is giving Felix in the following two pictures.

Gaia really wanted to take a good long look at Felix!Bee loves taking toys away from other kids.
On Labor Day, the annual "West Indian Day Parade" took place on Eastern Parkway. They were expecting 3 million people this year! I decided to not attend (I was warned not to bother going because once you get in the middle of all those people it is hard to get out) so I took a picture from afar!
This is Lily's son. He is giving Bee a hug!
Karen loves the Bee!
Bee and Lily say hi, while Karen cuts me a slice of the blueberry cheesecake she made!
Amy, Joe and Gaia went to church with us on Sunday.
Gaia and Bee stop to say hi to a friendly dog!

There is a playground specifally for kids Bee's age called the "Tot lot." Bee and Gaia have been going there alot! They can climb up and down the stairs and the slide!

Amy and Gaia!Annie and the tots!
Bee likes to hang out at Felix's house!
We put the wheelbarrow in the door way to try and block Bee from crawling to the kitchen it didn't stop her. When I wasn't looking she climbed in by herself!


Happynhanford 7:48 PM  

Way cute the Tot Lot! I like the blue wagon shot too! Those babies are getting cuter al the time, but of course, Bee is the cutest of all!
Mimi to Bee

Bakka 12:55 AM  

what do you mean "those people"....

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