Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pancake and Ani come to town

Pancake (Chris) and girlfriend Ani came into town late last night. We all spent the afternoon taking a walk in Brooklyn. Pancake is currently living in Virginia (in the Army until November) and Ani who lives in Fresno flew to Virginia for a few days and they drove up to New York to spend 4 days here.

Pancake, Bee and Cory

Family Picture at the Botanical Garden.

Bee, Cory and Teddy (who now lives in the apartment above us).
Annie, Bee, Cory, Ani and Pancake.
Gossip Girl was staging a wedding for an episode at the Botanical Garden.
Kisses for Ani! Ani treated us all to frozen yogurt! Thank you Ani!
Pancake, Cory and Ani just left to go to Manhattan! Mama Annie will try to get to bed early tonight!

Some pictures from last week...

Felix and Bee

Olgierd, Bryna and Felix!
What's in there Kyle?
Cory needed some baby actors! Gaia gladly accepted the role as the "crawling baby."
Gaia and Bee wanting to play with the same toy!
10 Month old Baby Bee

Bee can do math problems alreday. Her answer was 4 and she was right!


Three's Company at the Secondo's 10:39 PM  

Happy B-day Bee. Looks like fun! Love you!

Doulos 2:04 AM  

PANCAKE!!! The Nephilim in the flesh!

Happynhanford 2:08 AM  

Say Hey to Pancake from the Bruces! He looks terrific! Wow.., Ani! Loved Bee's 10 month video. She is such a happy and smart young lady!
Love to all!
Mimi to Bee

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