Sunday, July 12, 2009

The sailor baby loves to crawl in the grass!

Thursday Bee and I went to Manhattan. We went to my old health food store to visit Kristy and we went to the big baby store. Bee and I took a break in Union Square.
In this picture you can see one of her two top teeth that are coming in!
Bee will be 9 months old tomorrow (July 13th).

Bee has an eye for detail. She can pick up the smallest of objects. This means that I have to be really careful as she also likes to put things in her mouth!
What is she looking at?
Now what is she looking at?
Mama loves Baby!
Today we put Bee in a cute vintage dress that I inherited from my mom's collection.

I put three of these picures up of Bee and Cory because I liked how they seemed to be matching facial expression in all of them!

Bee and her church buddy Isle!
Just hanging out in the bugaboo!

On Wednesday Bee and I met some other babies in Prospect Park! I didn't have my camera but Susan sent these to me!

Bee challenged Leonardo to a race! We thought it would be a good contest as Leo is almost walking. Turns out he doesn't like the grass.

Bee won easily! Bee will crawl anywhere to get a plastic bag and shoe!

Video clip from church today.

My friend Jackie emailed me this video of Bee and Levi from July 4th!

Levi and Bee in the park from Jackie Mittman on Vimeo.


Happynhanford 10:50 PM  

Cory needs to start showing more bottom teeth when he smiles :=)if he is to look like Bee. D

Happynhanford 1:13 AM  

Cute new tooth! Nice friends! Beautiful girl!

Three's Company at the Secondo's 1:39 PM  

Happy Birthday Bee! Poor little girls have a handicap crawling in dresses. Lets put Bee in a lycra speed suit and watch her go.

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