Smile...Bee loves you
Bee is now 4 1/2 months old! I forgot to tell everyone that last week we went for her 4 month check up and the doctor said she is doing great! She weighed 15lb 7 oz (she has doubled her birth weight!) and 25 in long. Big Girl Bee!! The day after her shots Bee had her first fever! Scared me quite a bit but Bee is a trooper and the fever went down!
So, babies schedules change very frequently but...Bee did not wake up at all during the night the past two nights!!!! I am still waking up in the middle of the night but if this continues for Bee I am sure I can sleep train myself to not wake up!!! I hope this continues!
Daddy loves baby Bee
"Hi Mommy..."
"...please...I am working here..."
"...where was I..."
These are great pics! The 2nd tummy one is my very favorite! I love the toytime pics. She looks quite independent! Glad all is well! Get some sleep Mommy!
Bee is getting soo big. Doing baby push ups. Miss you!
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