Thursday, December 04, 2008

Walking in Brooklyn

Baby Bee in her space ship outfit. It's one of Cory's Favorites.
One of these times I will capture an in-focus smile. This one is kind of close.We took Bee out in her new stroller for the first time today! Thank you Joe and Dennis for the stroller. Bee loved it! Bee will now be strolling around in a "Maclaren." A top of the line umbrella stroller!
Out little doll all bundled up!
I love this baby!

Bee's just hanging out with a buddy.
Bee and I met up with my mom's group at Perch Cafe.

Yesterday Cory and I took Bee for a walk around the neighborhoood. We tried to go on streets that we have never been on. And this is what we saw...

This picture was taken on our street a few blocks over and behind Cory you can see Manhattan.

This house doesn't seem to belong!

This is our street!
Welcome Ella! Congratulations Nana Lindsey, Mama Jill and Daddy Andreas!

Ella was born on Sunday, Nov. 30th at 1:04am.
She was 5lbs. 15 oz.
Happy Bee Video


Anonymous 11:20 PM  

Great wheels Miss Bee! You are rollin' in style now! It is good to see her out and about! I like the space outfit and the monkey one too! Wow, the mom's group has grown from the Halloween party one! I recognize some of those moms! Tell them hi from me! Nice town shots too!
Best of all....Love that video!
Hugs and Kisses to all!
Mimi Marlene

Anonymous 10:47 AM  

So so sweet is that baby girl!! Brings back memories of when you and my boys were little. These are such precious times for you. I'll be so glad to meet Bee in January. Last week in Cambria the sun was shining, the fall colors were spectacular, the ocean waves were big. I hope you can enjoy it with us! God is so good! Love you lots, Aunty Tammy

nate-in-the-box 1:03 PM  

i like the monkey one best of all. and that photo is like, "babies in space"

Anonymous 8:59 AM  

Bee's cruising in the 'vertible. It seems the women of New York have "little people babies". Bee has the all american classic baby face thing happening. I love her and want to hug her! I have fond memories of Cory cruising in my vertible in his Speedo. The guys at Hoffmans loved it. That's another story!

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