Sunday, December 05, 2010

Outfits by Mimi!

Yesterday Bee got a big box of new clothes made by Mimi!!! This is what she wanted to try on right away! After talking with Marlene I learned that she made it without a pattern! She is one talented Mimi!!! Bee did not want to take this jacket off! It is so soft!

This hat was from the owner of Twiggs! This is the store that Marlene has some of her cute kids things at! The red jacket was from Tammy!
Mimi sent Bee a bunch of these super cute dresses that she made! This one has two pockets which Bee quickly filled with little toys!

Video of Bee wearing the Jacket made by Mimi!!!


BeeBeesOriginals 11:50 PM  

OHHHHHH! What a sweet video! That Bee makes me smile! I am glad that she likes the coat. I figured it would be a little big but she looks great in it. Glad those pockets can hold so many animals!
Thanks for sharing!
Love and hugs to all!

Travel_with_a_purpose 1:20 AM  

Cute! Cute! Cute!

Three's Company at the Secondo's 11:46 AM  

aaaaand THIS ONE!

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