We went to Cory's first house! It is for sale if anyone needs a great house in Hanford!

Bee and Cory are standing the location of Cory's first room! Lyle built him a room from a section of the living room!

We watched a video tape of Cory's first movie he wrote and directed. He was 13 years old!

Coloring with Mimi!

Uncle Keith, Cory, Philip, Allyson, Callie, Grandma Peggy, Tammy, Uncle Frank, Shelby, Mary, Lindsay, Shelley, Buddy, Bee, Annie, and Aunt Mem!

Dinner Time!

Bee loves lady bugs!

Uncle Tommy

Great Grandma Peggy and her 2 great grand children!

Poppy the bird!

Tug of War!

My dad and Ace!

Papa Tom, Grandma Asta, and Tommy and Bee

My dad gave me the best surprise present! A box full of my mom's missing jewerly! He found it in a random drawer and waited for the perfect time to give it to me! One of the pieces was my mom's diamond pendant that I thought I had lost. I hadn't seen it since I wore it to my mom's going home celebration!

Hanging out! The weather was just about perfect for our CA trip!

Ace and Bee

Bee had fun picking vegetables from the garden. Here she is eating a carrot!

Me and Jill

Hanging out!

Melissa and Bee!

Jason and Bee

Bee and Jill

Bee and Grandpa Robert

Tunnel Time

Goodbye time

I was amazed at how quick Bee figured out this toy!

Tyler decorated Cami's room so cute!

Andrea and Jarin (older son Brady not pictured), Ivana and Evie, Tyler, Colson and Cami, Annie and Bee. We got together at Tyler's house! We all went to FPU together!

Ivana made Bee a super cute shirt and matching hair clip!

Mimi and Bee checking out the amazing "Bee's Family" picture quilt that Mimi made! Bee looks at it everyday!

Bee's first shaved ice! She loved it!

Jill came over the night before we left to drop off Cory's Birthday Present!

Callie and Phil came over to say goodbye!

Waiting for our plane at FAT! Fresno Air Terminal!

Bee's First Film!!! She loves to play with the camera and this time I was distracted enough for her to have time to shoot a video! She loves to play with the wheel that makes a clicking noise and you can hear her doing this the whole time. She is makes some cute little Bee noises! Future filmmaker Bee!