So much to do...So little time
I have been very busy! I think about the blog a lot but haven't had too much time on my hands. I have many cute pictures of Bee but I only have time for 4 pictures! We are leaving for CA in the morning. Please pray that the day of travels goes smoothly! I will blog when I get back to NY! We will be staying with Cory's Parents house so come and find us! We want to see everyone but won't be too mobile. Sunday the 18th come to Epic Church in Hanford for Bee's dedication. A week ago tonight Bee starting sleeping a lot better!!! I would like to keep it this way so when we are in CA I am going to try and stay on NY time! This means that we will be getting up very early and going to bed really early. Bee starts getting tired by 7:30 pm NY time. If anyone is up for hanging out at 5am we will be up!
Last Week Kerry and Bekah came for a visit! Kerry and my mom became friends when they met at swim lessons in 1984 (her oldest daughter Rachel is my age and we were best friends). Kerry and Rick have 4 daughters (Rachel (married Ernie), Jessica (married JT and Jess is prego), Bethany and Bekah). They moved out of Lemoore in 88 and currently live in the Bay Area. It was so much fun hanging out with them. It was their first time in NY! Kerry is mailing me a CD of their pictures and I will share some of them with you at a later date!
Our landlord's (who lives up stairs) daughter had a baby on January 1st. His name is Cory!Bee has been growing everyday! Here she is lounging in her Bumbo for the first time!
It snowed two days ago and it was amazing. I have never seen snow flakes like this before. They were perfect!!!
Thanks for the blog before you leave! Can hardly wait to get a hold on Baby Bee! We are praying for a safe, flawless trip! May you feel God's perfect peace, comfort, and joy as you travel.
Love ya kids!
We had such a fabulous time visiting!!! Bekah and I thank you so much! Bee is PERFECT!!! Praying that maybe we can come and visit while you are in Hanford!!! We miss you all already!
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