Bee has been going on weekly adventures with Daddy! For this trip they went to Times Square!
The next day Bee and I went back to Times Square to go to the Garmet District!

The fabric stores in the garmet district (from about W 35th st to W 40th st) are amazing! I had never seen so much fabric and check out all of this felt!

I am working on selling my handmade felt hair clips! Bee has been helping me by letting me take pictures of her with the clips in her hair!

"What are you listening to Bee?" Notice Bee's attire? Her "kitty cat" underwear are very special to us! They have been helping her keep motivated to keep dry! Bee now wears big girl underwear 24hours in the day now! I love it!

Adventure Bee and Daddy went to the Firecracker Festival during Chinese New Year! Bee really enjoyed the firecrackers and she still talks about the dragons and lions!

Bee and Dalia watching the sea lions! Dalia got a new stroller board so I can take both girls on my own on days I watch Dalia!

The girls playing dress-up! Bee has been practicing being a flower girl getting ready for Joe and Jessica's wedding!

The girls modeling the "I love BK (Brooklyn)" clips!

On an adventure Cory and Bee ended up at Trinity Church's cemetery! There was a piece of chalk on the ground and Bee got to work making art! Cory counted 21 individual drawings that Bee did on the stone sidewalk!

The big Bull in the Financial District in Lower Manhattan! Bee was on her way with Cory to go to the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.

Joe came to do some business in NY for his upcoming play and we got to spend some time with him! Here we are in Prospect Park the day after a nice big snow!

Go Cory Go

My little helper separating her laundry!

Now this is a Snow Bunny!

Bee had a ton of fun with her Godfather Joe!

Jessica and Joe sent us Bee and Beehive cookie cutters! Bee and I made biscuits!

Bee loves having friends over and she loves putting the camera on self timer! These are friends from Church, Tim and Carolyn.

Tim is 6'5" and did us a big favor by cleaning our fan!

Game Night! Megan, Ryan, Matt, Shannon, Annie, Cory and Bee!

Went to Audry and Brocks house to celebrate Baby Cora's first birthday! Cora is in the red shirt!

They have a dog that Cory says looks identical to his childhood dog!

Cory, Bee and Jason!

Our sweet little Valentine!

So, that's it for now! I have more pictures of course but at least this blog now has some words!